Monday, October 24, 2011

BGs and Points

Hi folks,

So far, I've completed 26 points of animation and 17 more are in progress. By tonight I expect to have at least 50 points completed. That's a lot of points, but not enough to meet my quota of 100 per week. Losing 3 days to a sailing voyage this weekend didn't help. I'll have to play catchup over the next few days.

That said, a lot has happened this week. For example, on Thursday, I recorded my lines as the Singing Sword, marking the completion of all the vocal recording.

Here's a sampling of backgrounds I worked on this week. Many of the camera moves and effects are already animated, such as the book opening and the birds in flight. I've also started character animation; I'll upload an export of Song 1 this evening.

 Shot 1-1a

 Shot 1-1b

 Shot 1-2

 Shot 1-3 (just a closeup)
Shot 1-4 (in progress)

So far, I've worked pretty much chronologically. I'll upload more tonight.

I also finished the Princess' model sheet, used in many of the shots in this song. Her face is so abstract she's difficult to turn. I'll try to show her from the quarter-angle as much as possible.

My goal is to finish Song 1 and its surrounding material (200 points total) by November 1st. I'd better get back to work!


  1. It sounds like you're making a lot of progress. You should know soon if your schedule is realistic. I hope you are able to make up your points- good luck!

  2. Incredible backgrounds. Keep up the good work!

    Love the look of the princess! Gotta say, she sure has a big bottom. Also, is the final version her wearing a pink dress?

  3. Hi Joe

    David Fain here. Just re-watched your animatic and have a few suggested cuts for you so you don't kill yourself making this epic.

    1) You can probably cut directly from the line saying "Right, Doofus" at 1:55 and skip the business where they travel to some other location in the forest before the sword starts singing. I'd just have the sword go right into his speech at 2:20 "Look, Knightly" and do his song right there where the dragon left them. (better yet cut the business even tighter and pick up the action when the sword sez "You know I never sing...")

    2) I think you need to set up the bit when Doofus goes over the waterfall a little better-- a shot where he sees it coming might help.

    3) The jacket gag isn't working for me, not sure why Doofus slips out of it when he does. There's some funny bits in that whole Doofus dance number but for me it goes on a tad too long. I'd skip the business with seeing the Princess and the Dragon and get him to the encounter with the Bear ASAP. Perhaps he just pops up next to the Bear after he falls into the water. I know it would require a bit of a music edit.

    4) The story beat with the wizard and the potion I think can be eliminated, it's not as strong as the other musical numbers and it seems like Knightly can force the issue of who she prefers just by kissing her.

    Anyhow, that's my 2 cents for now. See you in a week or so.

    The work looks amazing!

