Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ryan's Recordings & Audition Success!

Hi folks,

Just got home from a surprisingly successful audition and a fantastic recording session with Music Director Ryan O'Connell. That's right, music director -- not composer. Ryan explained that since I wrote the melodies for the songs, he's technically not the "composer." So his new title, reflecting his incredible talent & skill, is Music Director. You'll understand the superlatives when you hear tonight's piano recordings.

But back to the audition -- I called it surprisingly successful. This is because I didn't have an audition space until 11 this morning, at which time I scrambled to email the actors. Sitting in an empty audition room from 5-7 this evening, Ryan and I quickly realized that 6 hours notice is simply not enough. But amazingly, two actors did show up, and both nailed their auditions. Against all odds, I believe we have found a great voice for every part. Tomorrow I will notify the actors.

I am finally getting back on schedule. And now, without further ado, here are tonight's recordings. (The musical interlude you'll hear is the runaway tap-dance routine! I wish you could see the visuals!! Coming next week!)


  1. Love the lyrics and the music. The bit where Doofus is tap dancing is hilarious and I can't wait for the sequence in animatic form.

    My only concern is the length. This video is already 5 minutes long without the extra parts and dialogue added in between. You just have to decide what needs to be cut.

    Knowing how well you work in flash, I think you're right on schedule. Hopefully you'll have the music and dialogue done by November and most of your animation done by the end of this semester.

    Great job and I can't wait to see what's in store!

  2. Same, I can't wait to see the tap dancing sequence. I love the idea of the frogs on the log with him. Will they all just roll up onto it as it's spinning in the water? From behind the log or something? I think that would be pretty funny if they just rolled up from behind by grabbing on.
