Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sir Knightly Model Sheet

Here's the first Sir Knightly model sheet. It's more than just a model sheet -- these are the actual puppets I'll use in animation. The pose on the right is just a modified version of the quarter-angle puppet. Working from the puppet, the poses come quickly and are always on model.

What do you think? Does the puppet system work, or does it look too rigid?

Here's Knightly's silhouettes to test if his poses read. (Note: still need to make front, back and back-quarter-angle puppets for Sir Knightly.)


  1. Neato! I think that will work really well. The nice thing about using a puppet in Flash is that you can easily hand-draw inbetweens if the need arises.

    The pose looks good. It reads well in the silhouette. His hips might look a little weird when his legs are facing a different direction than his torso, but the audience probably won't notice if those poses are quick.

    Only thing I'd fix is that he doesn't have an outline on his forehead, which ends up sort of creating an eyetrap. I'd draw the outline on the thinner side, so that it doesn't get confused with his eyebrow.

  2. I love how your first default pose is a SUPER EXTREME. You're always really good at pushing limits and finding out just how far to go before pulling back.

    I also like how the feather reacts along with him.
