Monday, November 21, 2011

New BGs & 100 points

Hi folks,

This week I finished the backgrounds for song 1! I also finally passed the 100-point mark on my shot list! (Only 1,505 points to go!)

Here's the new backgrounds:

I was really encouraged by the Grad Screening this week. The audience gave Ladies Knight 13 solid laughs plus assorted chuckles. (I took notes.) Even in 90% animatic form, the story and characters seemed to read well with the audience. (But we shall see what they said on their comment cards.) I was relieved that both "She's Not Into You" and "Kissin' Spree" were well received -- in fact, the two songs with the most laughs. They are my favorites too.

I wish I could have stayed for the rest of the screenings. I heard they went really well!

This afternoon I'll be meeting with my composer, who is hard at work on orchestration. So far, everything is sounding amazing, and when I put the orchestration into the animatic, even in rough form, it's magic.

Have a happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Very colorful and "happy"!

    I am impressed you took notes during your screening!
