Friday, February 11, 2011

Ginger Variations

Here are some variations on Ginger's face that we discussed in class yesterday. There are 2 different noses, 3 different neck styles, and 2 ear positions (I tried further deviations from Ginger's ears, but they just didn't work).

Which Ginger do you like the best?

Also, you can read Ginger's bio, and the others, in the previous post.


  1. I liked the pink nose a lot initially, but now that I see the back nose it does make it a little more doggish.
    The collar is cute! Either with the tag or sans collar completely. With just the plain collar, though, it makes her seem a little stripey with all the repetition of green bands. If you go with the collar, maybe you could make it a different color? Even flat black would be fine, or a very dark grey if you still wanted the outline.

  2. I'd go for either 11 or 12. Preferably 12 because of the collar. But have you thought about having a red collar? Or is her dress style going to remain green?
