Monday, January 16, 2012

Disaster Averted

Hi folks!

This week, thanks to my trusty roommates, I narrowly avoided what could have been a waste of an entire week. My laptop charger gave up and died on Saturday, leaving me stranded. I rushed to RadioShack and bought a new one, but it proved incompatible. Luckily, one of my roommates found me a new, compatible charger online, and while that's shipping, my other roommate is letting me use his computer for animation. This isn't the first time my roommates have bailed me out, and I owe them a big thanks in the credits.

Thus, this week I've been productive. Song 2 has run into a slight hitch (needs re-recording) so I've begun Song 3. Below you'll find the puppets for Tap-Dance Doofus and Classy Sword, as well as several backgrounds. Many of the backgrounds have animated components which I'll show next week, along with any new animation.


  1. Wow- great roommates! And nice artwork!

  2. Sweet backgrounds. I like the kind of 'foggy' effect.

  3. Love the backgrounds! And the costumes! Keep up the great work!

  4. The lighting and atmosphere is really nice Joe! That textural quality that you're achieving in Flash is really nice. Looking forward to see more!
